The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4. An international leader in the philosophy of science, BJPS showcases outstanding research on a variety of topics, from the nature of models and simulations to

Journal Surveys: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2014

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

Journal Surveys: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2014. Submissions and Review Process · Editorial decision within 2 months: 73.9% · Editorial decision between 2 and 6 months: 25.9% · Editorial decision between 7 , British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. Recognized by William J. Mckinney, Experimenting on and Experimenting with: Polywater and Experimental Realism, 295-307, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

An outline of general system theory.

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

An outline of general system theory.. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1, 134–165. https:// Abstract. A survey of the history of science shows , British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | JSTOR

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | JSTOR. Published on behalf of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, the journal offers innovative and thought-provoking papers that open up new areas of , British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About

Emily Sullivan, Understanding from Machine Learning Models

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

Emily Sullivan, Understanding from Machine Learning Models. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (1):109-133 (2022). @article{Sullivan2022-SULUFM, author = {Emily Sullivan}, doi = {10.1093/bjps/axz035}, , The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. BSPS MEMBERSHIP. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science is published by the University of Chicago Press for the British Society for the Philosophy of , The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Nature

The University of Chicago Press: Journals Subscriptions

The University of Chicago Press: Journals Subscriptions

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Nature. Cite this article. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science . Nature 166, 176 (1950). Download citation., The University of Chicago Press: Journals Subscriptions, The University of Chicago Press: Journals Subscriptions

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science - Wikipedia

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 45, No 4

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 45, No 4

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science - Wikipedia. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (BJPS) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal of philosophy, owned , The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 45, No 4, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 45, No 4, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | About, An international leader in the philosophy of science, BJPS showcases outstanding research on a variety of topics, from the nature of models and simulations to